Welcome to the DIGINT E-learning Platform

DIGINT – Digital International Trainers is an innovative Erasmus+ project co-funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium of 8 institutions across 6 European countries (France, Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Romania, and the Basque Country). The project is designed to support the internationalization processes of Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems, equipping professionals with the competences and strategies needed to create impactful and sustainable global partnerships.

Through structured and customized training paths, this platform provides tools and resources to overcome the challenges of internationalization at multiple levels:

  • Micro-level: Empowering teachers, trainers, and learners with international competences.
  • Meso-level: Supporting VET providers in building and implementing internationalization strategies.
  • Macro-level: Guiding regional development agencies and regions in integrating trainers, VET internationalization into territorial innovation systems.

Tailored Learning for Three Target Groups

The platform offers comprehensive training pathways designed to enhance the competences of three specific groups, addressing the unique challenges they face in an evolving global landscape:

1. Teachers and Trainers

- European Citizenship & Working Across Borders 

- Students Awareness of Intercultural Diversity 

2. VET Managers

- Leadership of VET and Technical HE institutions for internationalization 

- Creating impact from European collaboration projects 

3. Regional Officers

- Creating impact for the internationalization of territories 

- Supporting effective internationalization policies in VET


Start exploring the courses and take the first step toward enhancing your internationalization competences with DIGINT today!

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